Hi, I’m Emalie Snowdall

I'm a UX/graphic designer looking for work. Currently based in Ashland, Ohio. I have a background in fine arts, giving me a different perspective on graphic design and UX design as a whole.

You can view my graphic design work and my paintings on this site.

My story

Growing up I hated graphic design and only wanted to paint. It wasn’t until I took a UX design class that I discovered how much I actually liked visual problem solving. I decided to pursue graphic design as a career and have been teaching myself ever since.

Recent work

The Amaia

A mock project to practice my branding skills. Brief provided by @Brandbreif on Instagram.

Game Corner

A game rating app where users can find and rate games. Users can search for games and read the reviews left by other users. This project was researched, designed, and prototyped by me.

Azalea Aquariums

A project where I redesigned an already existing website, as well as giving it a logo and packaging. This project consisted of a UX audit, design system and the final website layout and prototyping.